Welcome to Swan's Lawn. Here you can collect tons of Sorority Life gifts, wall bonuses, and other goodies. This website also features tips and tricks, sneak preview of upcoming Sorority Life glams, mastery guides and many other helpful features that could help you enjoy the game even more! Enjoy and Happy SL-ing :D

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Tips for Fighting in Beijing [or any Study Abroad]

1. Make the zoom less than 100%. You can see the full screen (depending on how big your screen is). This way there's less scrolling up and down. *I even use it when I'm socializing on campus* hee hee



2. If you have way too much money on campus, and don't know what to do with it. Here's a tip: Open 2 tabs of sorority life, one with campus and in the other tab go to Bejing (or any Study Abroad). When you're fighting and you need to go to SPA, don't use your precious swags and Beijing money, go to the other tab (campus one) and use your money to go to spa. Come back to Beijing tab and start fighting again winking

Leave a comment if you know more tricks and share with your SL sisters love struck

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